They say that I am a fool. But I’ll do what I have to do.
-Lacey Sturm, The Soldier
Yeah, I might die in a day. But I’m gonna die anyway.
-Lacey Sturm, The Soldier
She doesn’t know she’s beautiful ’cause all she ever hears is your insecure loud mouth feeding off her fears.
-Lacey Sturm, I’m Not Laughing
So infatuated by the darkness and so surrounded by the light . Oh, my God, save my soul. And still I want what’s pure and want what’s right. But I need another fix tonight. Oh, my God, save my soul!
-Lacey Sturm, Rot
Mirror, mirror on the wall, will there be glory if I fall?
Oh my God, save my soul
-Lacey Sturm, Rot
I need a faith that’s solid as concrete, but the impact’s broken both my knees. Oh my God, save my soul!
-Lacey Sturm, Rot
I can’t hold you anymore tonight. And I feel your heart is breaking as I let go. And it hurts me to be leaving but you must know- I can’t hold you anymore tonight…
-Lacey Sturm, You’re Not Alone
When you feel like you’re the only one you can trust, and it proves a lie when you’re the one who self-destructs. Let truth hold you in loving arms tonight.
-Lacey Sturm, You’re Not Alone
This love will never leave. Truth will not forsake. Eternal thoughts will keep your heart safe.
-Lacey Sturm, You’re Not Alone
I choose to be alive especially because the odds say I should die. I wrestle death again. I know more of His moves now and I won’t give in. Impossible! Whoa, impossible!
-Lacey Sturm, Impossible
You tell me I’m the one holding you back and something about how far we’re off track. Well, all I hear is your heart beat loud and strong. And I just want to wrap you in my arms.
-Lacey Sturm, Run To You
I know you, I know your eyes so well. And I know you’re not sure of yourself. But something made you restless years ago. ‘Til you forgot that I’m part of your soul.
-Lacey Sturm, Run To You
I’ve always believed in you. You used to believe in me too.
-Lacey Sturm, Run To You
I’ll run to you. I’ve always believed in you. I’ll run to you. And ’cause I love you, I’ll let you go, if that’s what you want. But I hope you know my love won’t stop.
-Lacey Sturm, Run To You
Still I see you…
-Lacey Sturm, Feels Like Forever
I can’t stop shaking as you come close. I want to run but I want you most. Is this what it means to die? I hold my breath as I wait on you, longing to follow your every move. I’ve never been so alive!
-Lacey Sturm, Feels Like Forever
I’m falling over and into you, oh! I am consumed and you feel like forever.
-Lacey Sturm, Feels Like Forever
A song unfolds in the distance. Somehow you feel it in your soul. But you carry on with your business like you didn’t hear this melody that calls you home.
-Lacey Sturm, Life Screams
Life sings out, it’s calling you by name. Life screams out. All of this will change.
-Lacey Sturm, Life Screams
Laughter tickles my tongue. A breathless chase has begun. I’m gonna let you in. Catch me, I’m falling in love. Oh, what have I done?
-Lacey Sturm, Faith
Love how you gamble your pride, amazed how strong you are. You risk looking in my eyes and let me melt your heart…
-Lacey Sturm, Faith
I’m wondering if you’re enough. I promised forever. Am I a liar? Love, oh, what have I done?
-Lacey Sturm, Faith
I’ve been trying to get away from myself. And when I try to speak out, there’s no help. You caught me with steady eyes speaking low like a sunrise. You noticed me like no one else…
-Lacey Sturm, Mystery
I made a plan to run away from this war ’cause I don’t wanna hurt you anymore. But you fought through my firewalls. Above the war I heard you call. You rescued me like I’m yours.
-Lacey Sturm, Mystery
‘Cause I learn what love means by how You love me. But when You love me it’s still hard to believe. ‘Cause I don’t understand what Your purity means so I just wanna thank you for waiting on me.
-Lacey Sturm, Mystery
I don’t even think you even know what it means to love. Or to be loved.
-Lacey Sturm, Vanity
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